DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-148-153
In spite of the fact that the importance and need for teaching technologies in the educational process (at all levels) is clearly recognized, the precise and universal classifications of teaching technologies (regardless of the subject area) are currently nonexistent. There is a vast variety of names and types of teaching technologies, including numerous authors’ technologies, developed by both creative and professional communities and individual teachers. One may observe lack of system, scientific basis and unified approaches to the classifications of pedagogical, educational and teaching technologies. The author justifies the specifics and the necessity to consider the instrumentality principle in the process of classification of foreign languages teaching technologies, and states the main tools of foreign languages teaching technologies. The principle of instrumentality as the primary basis for the classification of teaching technologies requires to take tools (basis) of the subject teaching into account. The classification of foreign languages teaching technologies may include mono-tool (poly-target), poly-tool (mono-target) and tool-target teaching technologies. Each type of teaching technologies is illustrated by the scheme of implementation model. The third type of teaching technologies (tool-target) is the most accurately and exactly formulated and effectively implemented type. The article includes some examples of technologies of teaching foreign languages based on the principle of instrumentality (evidence from the titles of foreign languages teaching technologies found in the articles published in the well-known Russian scientific journal “Foreign languages at school”). In spite of the fact that the importance and need for teaching technologies in the educational process (at all levels) is clearly recognized, the precise and universal classifications of teaching technologies (regardless of the subject area) are currently nonexistent. There is a vast variety of names and types of teaching technologies, including numerous authors’ technologies, developed by both creative and professional communities and individual teachers. One may observe lack of system, scientific basis and unified approaches to the classifications of pedagogical, educational and teaching technologies. The author justifies the specifics and the necessity to consider the instrumentality principle in the process of classification of foreign languages teaching technologies, and states the main tools of foreign languages teaching technologies. The principle of instrumentality as the primary basis for the classification of teaching technologies requires to take tools (basis) of the subject teaching into account. The classification of foreign languages teaching technologies may include mono-tool (poly-target), poly-tool (mono-target) and tool-target teaching technologies. Each type of teaching technologies is illustrated by the scheme of implementation model. The third type of teaching technologies (tool-target) is the most accurately and exactly formulated and effectively implemented type. The article includes some examples of technologies of teaching foreign languages based on the principle of instrumentality (evidence from the titles of foreign languages teaching technologies found in the articles published in the well-known Russian scientific journal “Foreign languages at school”).
Keywords: teaching technology, classifications of teaching technologies, foreign languages, foreign language teaching, principle of instrumentality
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 148 — 153
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