DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-32-38
The impact function of the mass media causes the use of expressive means of language; the main of them is a metaphor. At the same time the impact of metaphor seems a rather complex phenomenon, so the study of its functions does not cease to be relevant. A wide range of functions of the metaphor and their hierarchy are considered in the context of the newspaper sport discourse on the example of the sports report genre. The analysis is illustrated by vivid examples from the Russian and German press; it shows that this figure of speech is the most important means of pragmatic impact in the sports discourse and in the written sports report, in particular. Consequently, the pragmatics has a target status in the hierarchy of functions. Expressiveness and evaluativity are considered as the most important functions. Moreover, the metaphor has a decorative, attractiveness, game, hyperbole, compression, conspire, encoding, and mnemonic functions that are rarely traced in the text of their own and rather provide a comprehensive impact on the reader. At the same time, the metaphor can perform almost the opposite tasks: mnemonic and conspiracy functions. Consequently, the functional properties of metaphors are in the relationship of interdependence and mutual reinforcement.
Keywords: metaphor, metaphors’ functions, expressiveness, evaluativity, sports discourse, genre of sports report
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 32 — 38
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