DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-9-16
The article reflects the general situation of linguistic expertise. Linguistic expertise of draft laws is based on the knowledge of the science of language and general principles of parliamentary activity. Therefore, the essence of the object-subject nature of the linguistic expertise of draft laws is considered in connection with different linguistic and extralinguistic factors in the aspect of the legal discourse. Special attention is given to the analysis of the relation between the concept of juridical discourse and the legislative discourse, law enforcement discourse, court discourse. Determines the difference between language and speech aspects of the linguistic expertise of draft laws. Measures on perfection of process of carrying out linguistic examination are offered. Provides the examples to confirm the practical significance of the linguistic expertise of draft laws. The material of the research is legal texts. The novelty and the findings of the author’s research are concluded in the opportunity to detect and classify an array of existing terms, which are applicable to the issue of texts of laws. Scientific article aims to discuss the problems posed by teachers, graduates and students. The conclusions reached by the author can be used to conduct further research on this issue and in the law-making process.
Keywords: linguistic expertise, text, language and speech, draft law, genre, functional style, juridical discourse
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 9 — 16
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