DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-17-24
The article deals with the intonation of emphatic (highly emotional) speech of the modern Russian literary language with the purpose of revealing innovations in the intonation. The research is carried out on the performances staged in the State Academic Maly Theatre. We have analyzed 15 hours of sounding speech which allowed us to discover all the variety of the intonation patterns in the modern Russian language. As a result of the carried out research, we have revealed the following changes in the intonation of the modern Russian language: a great number of the occurrence of the mid-level ending in final sense-groups and the use of the high-narrow rise at the end of declarative and exclamatory sentences. We give a detailed consideration to the occurrence and meanings of these intonation endings combined with various scales. In addition to that, we first observe the use of the fall-rise in emphatic speech of the modern Russian language, as well as the use of the gradually ascending stepping scale, the descending scandent and sliding scales. Thus, the present research shows that the intonation of emphatic speech of the modern Russian language is much more colourful than it has been described before. The obtained results make a contribution to the suprasegmental phonetics and can be applied by the Russian teachers in practice, and they can also be of great use for foreign students learning the Russian intonation.
Keywords: intonation, emphatic speech, innovation, intonation pattern, intonation scale, intonation ending
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 17 — 24
Downloads: 1051