DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-32-40
The article deals with the topical problem of influence of media texts of public informational and media language personality on mass addressee subject to pragmatically significant factors of text organization: the author, the topic, the title, the emotional tone, the usage of linguistic and non-linguistic means. The study was carried out on the basis of experiments using a scaling technique with the involvement of a focus group of informants-humanitarians aged from 20 to 50 years. The research material is the posts of different subjects in L. Ulitskaya’s blog and the texts of newspaper article and fragments of M. Veller’s program “Just think!” on the radio “Echo of Moscow”. The initial idea was that the text and its structure reflect the peculiarities of the author’s language personality, and informants’ reception and detection of invariant of data, which we obtained on the basis of the survey, allow to reveal regularities in mechanism of influence of the texts and their elements on the reader’s cognitive activity. It was determined that estimation by collective addressee of variety of speech behavior of public language personality in different genres of media discourse depends on clarity, intelligibility, perspicuity, logicality of information, topical character of subject, emotion and usage of language means of different styles. Substandard vocabulary, which is used in media texts of topical subjects, doesn’t rise to rejection if addressee feels the same emotion, but on the contrary enlarges the pragmatics of speech messages. Excessive subjective modality of public language personality in covering different social themes does not always correspond to a collective addressee, who is focused on stereotypes and restraint in relation to the utterance. The influence of media text depends to a large degree on the informational field of the author’s language personality and his emotion, though the subject of speech messages and the choice of certain genres by the public language personality are of great importance too.
Keywords: public language personality, media discourse, pragmatics of media text, receptive experiment
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 32 — 40
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