DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-41-47
The article deals with topical for up-to-date media communication tertiary texts, named so by the author. These texts are reactions to primary and secondary media texts. According to regulative theory as one of the trends of communicative stylistics of text it analyses the regulative potential of tertiary media texts, including typical and more spread regulative means, regulative structures, means of regulativity and regulative strategies, which determine pragmatics of media communication members; reveales the factors, which influence efficiency of this process. Comments to primary and secondary texts from the site of radio station “Echo of Moscow” to the interview of K. Kosachev in April 2017 are the material of the research. It was determined that there is a dependence of regulative potential of tertiary media texts not only on individual peculiarities of its authors (level of their speech and common culture, specificity of world’s view, psychological and cognitive qualities), but also on such factors as informational area (site, in which the text is placed); subjects of primary media text; informational field of author’s and journalist’s language personalities including their value orientation; genre peculiarity of tertiary media text; media channel of connection owing to which efficient reaction on opinions of other Internet users is realised. It was revealed that value modality of tertiary media texts of comments genre is connected with dominating of emotional and valuation vocabulary including invectives, usage of different means of influence, including tropes, phraseological units, aphorisms. Among the regulative structures means of repetition (with citing of opponent’s statements or a primary text’s author) and a contrast for an opposing your own opinion to others is rather spread. The typical for tertiary media texts means of regulativity are the principles of simultaneity and vectors in the text activity of communicants. According to regulative strategy the most frequent strategy is an explicit strategy of intensifying and convergent type with predominance of the logic of expressing emotions. The results are of great interest for the theory of speech influence, media linguistics, communicative stylistics of text.
Keywords: media communication, media text, media discourse, tertiary media text, regulative theory, regulative potential, informational and media language personality
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 41 — 47
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