DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-54-60
The study was performed in line with the theory of intertextuality and one of the areas of communicative stylistics of a literary text – the theory of regulativity. The study of the dialogic nature of literary text is of interest in connection with the modern anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics. Intertextuality, reflecting the author’s dialogue not only with readers but also with the poets-forerunners to the modern writer masters of artistic expression, extends the semantics of poetic works and determines their semantic deployment in the consciousness of the perceiver of the text of the addressee. The article presents the typology of regulative strategies of O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic texts including intertexts (intertextual structures), important for the complete decoding of the author’s intention. The work is based on the material of poetic texts from the collection «Stone». The peculiarities of the regulatory strategies that update the intertexts in this collection include: systemic reproduction; prevalence of strategies of explicit type; dominance of strong regulatory strategies; use of intertexts as a means of regulativity; consistent performance of aesthetic information; complex application of various intertexts by the poet (plots-intertexts, regulative models of the intertextual type); intertextual links with the main stages of Western European culture and the culture of the silver age. Proved that O.E. Mandelstam uses intertextuality as one of the important way of controlling cognitive readers’ activity by the author. Regulative strategies of intertextual type, based on the use of various intertexts, were considered from the point of view of proportion and aesthetic way of presenting information, the homogeneity / heterogeneity of the dominant means of regulativity, depending on the regulatory power of the text, according to the methods of regulatively. The data obtained are of interest for the detection of idiostyle of the poet.
Keywords: poetic text, regulativity, regulative strategies, types of regulative strategies, intertextuality, intertext
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 54 — 60
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