DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-61-65
The article studies the peculiarities of the concept “solitude” on the basis of K. D. Balmont’s poetic discourse which is represented by the books of poems “Burning Buildings” (1900), “Only Love” (1903). The concept under review occupies one of the highest places in the poet’s poetic worldview. The analysis of the concept is based on the position of V. I. Karasik, who distinguishes the figurative, conceptual and value components in the structure of the concept. It is established that the concept “solitude” is mainly explicitly represented by the lexeme “one” in a poetic discourse of K. D. Balmont. Such lexical regulative units as lexical regulative chains and lexical regulative structures based on syntactic parallelism as a particular case of repetition play a very important part in the formation of the concept. It allows us to consider these types of lexical regulative units as concept-forming. It is found out that K. D. Balmont’s lyric character scarcely experiences negative emotions about his spiritual solitude (solitude-privacy). Moreover, he consciously aspires to it. It is approved that the concept “solitude” is implicitly associated with such concepts as “desert”, “soul”, “God” and “freedom”. The connection between the concept “solitude” and the concepts “God” and “desert” is traditional whereas the connection between the concept “solitude” and the concepts “freedom” and “soul” has a completely individual authorial character.
Keywords: concept “solitude”, lexical regulative unit, poetic discourse, K. D. Balmont
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 61 — 65
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