DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-78-86
The problem of deviation as a deviation from the social norm has been significantly studied in psychiatry and sociology. In the case when this kind of behavior is manifested in speech (it is explicated mainly by means of speech units), it can also be designated as deviant. The analysis of factors of discursive conditionality and forms of manifestation of the speech behavior of users of Internet correspondence deviating from social norms is relevant both in terms of compliance with the problems of a number of areas of modern linguistics (in particular, linguoperersonology), аnd from the point of view of the development of practical recommendations concerning interaction with «difficult» people in the space of network interaction. In the list of discourse-forming factors that determine the appearance in Internet communication of different forms of representation of deviant speech behavior (spam, trolling, elfing, cyberbullying, etc.), such features of network interaction are distinguished, аs anonymity, mediation, distance, freedom of self-expression, the difficulty of personal identification of a user and verification of his potential unlawful actions. Real communication prescribes to the individual appropriate behavior, which must be built within existing social norms. Communication in the network turns compliance with norms into a convention, the user is freed from demonstrating socially desirable behavior. Texts received via e-mail and correspondence of users of the social network «Facebook» are used as a research material. The relevance of electronic epistolary texts and their relevance in the field of modern communication is due, on the one hand, to their genre properties (polythematism, clichedness, reproducibility of form, style syncretism, full and polydiscursivnostyu), оn the other, an existing sociohistorical «order». In the case of demonstration by the user of deviant speech behavior, there is a violation of his moral and ethical norms of behavior in society, due to the presence of the sender installation for the implementation of a manipulative scenario, аs a result, electron-epistolary texts can be considered a form mediating manifestations of deviant speech behavior of users within the framework of network correspondence.
Keywords: network correspondence, social norms of behavior, deviant speech behavior, spam correspondence, trolling, elfing, cyberbullying
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 78 — 86
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