DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-94-97
The focus of the article is on the question of the axiological stratum of the discourse picture of the world of entertaining radio. The paper considers axiological content of radio communication in the context of ethical problematics. Problematics of modeling of the world potential of mass media discourse is considered in view of the terms «discursive person» and «discursive cognition». Ethical issues are considered in the context of the model of speech behavior, which is characteristic of a discourse of radio. The article shows that the axiological content of the discourse (the discursive picture of the world) is the level of interaction between the author and the addressee. Entertaining genres of the radio «create» their addressee in the process of interactive communication, in which the system of rules of emancipation functions (maximum democratization of speech, violation of secrecy, violation of public morality). Addressee takes communication media for his own entertainment medium, that leads to reduced sense of orientation in the world. Interactive model of the cooperation of the author (presenter) and the addressee is typical for entertaining discourse, analytic discourse and information discourse of the radio. The interactivity is communicative and axiology is dominante idea of the radio broadcast and method of modeling of the «own» listener.
Keywords: communicative models of interaction of author and addressee, discursive worldview, axiology, discursive person
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 94 — 97
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