DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-110-116
In the process of teaching the Russian language, a considerable role is assigned to the formation, improvement and increase of the active vocabulary of the student. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a graduate of the school must possess rich vocabulary, and communicative competences should reflect a high level of proficiency in vocabulary. The article deals with the principle of interactivity, which influences the development of modern lexicography. Analizes a certain type of dictionaries - interactive, allowing users to interact actively with the dictionary articles themselves, editing them, discussing the selection of lexemes in a particular dictionary. Today the interactive dictionary is a way of communication and self-expression, an ever-growing resource, instantly reacting to the slightest changes in the world around us. The article reveals the characteristics of the basic, most popular in the school practice interactive dictionaries. The emphasis is on the specifics of using interactive dictionaries of different kinds in the process of teaching students of different categories: gifted children, children with limited health opportunities, and also those for whom the Russian language is not native. The novelty of the article is that interactive dictionaries and web resources are described from the point of view of the own pedagogical experience.
Keywords: lexicography, teaching methods of the Russian language, the Federal State Educational Standard, web resources, interactive dictionary, various categories of students in general education schools
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 110 — 116
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