DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-128-133
The article is connected with one of the main problems of methodology of forming intercultural competence in teaching Russian language to foreign students-philologists – working out principles of selecting teaching texts. With the help of the analysis of common factors, that affect functioning of all pedagogical systems, we have worked out and systematized 8 particular principles of selecting teaching texts for forming intercultural competence. Basing on the general factor of “taking the teaching goals into account” we have put forward the principles of the communicative, intercultural, educational, informative and the developing value of the text. Basing on the general factor of “taking the teaching conditions into account” we have worked out principle of “the correspondence of the text with the profile of higher education for foreign students”. Basing on the factor of “taking into account the characteristics of students” we have put forward principle of the correspondence of the text with the students’ language level and principle of taking the native culture of foreign students into consideration. In the article we also described 12 criteria, which allow implementing these principles in the process of selection of educational texts. According to the principles and the criteria, it was confirmed that, Russian texts for children’s reading, which are regarded as an important means of popular pedagogy, can be used as teaching material. The system of the principles and criteria is presented in the form of a table.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, intercultural competence, principles of selecting texts, texts for children’s reading, national education
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 128 — 133
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