DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-150-159
The relevance of studying the translation heritage of N. M. Karamzin consists in his inseparability from the whole work of the great figure of Russian culture. The task of the proposed article is an attempt to generalize the presentation of all translations of Karamzin as a cultural cosmos, which contains dozens of authors, countries and the main continents. He was engaged in translation for over twenty years (he translated about 300 texts), constantly referring not only to European literature, but also to Asian, African and American cultures. The «world-wide responsiveness» of Karamzin as a writer and an interpreter was formed already in the «Moscow Journal» (1791-1792), the edition of a new type taking into consideration the experience of European periodicals. To carry out the novelty Karamzin used the translations thoroughly picked up and correlating with the original pieces. Thanks to the ambivalent role of a writer and a translator Karamzin was able to create an author journal aimed at the maintaining sentimentalism. In the «Messenger of Europe» (1802–1803) by N. M. Karamzin the translations helped to form not only a literary part, but also a section of Politics. Long before the genesis of the concept of «globalism», Karamzin had made an attempt to perceive the world in its unity. He was encouraged by his trip to Europe, personal acquaintance and contacts with the eminent representatives of European culture as well as by his intense translation activity.
Keywords: ttranslation activity, European literature, Asian, African and American cultures, cultural cosmos
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 150 — 159
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