DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-90-96
The article regards the history of physical activity types that are new to Russia and that gained popularity among the youth irrespective of gender differences. It is very popular among young people. They are new kinds of sport. The study subject is fitness and art-fencing – the new types of sports disciplines, attracting students with its accessibility, entertainment, connection of sport and art. The article presents the historical overview of the emergence and the development of art-fencing and fitness in global and Russian practice. There are common aspects of these new kinds of sport. Also in the article we can see its cooperation. The general characteristic features of these new types of sports activities, the degree of their interaction and enrichment are selected. In the article authors advice to use five groups of training items for common kinds of sport and for fitness and art-fencing itself which direct to forceful, coordination and willed features in common sportsmanship. Five conditional groups of training means, that are common to both fitness and art-fencing and that are aimed at the development of strength, coordination, strong-willed and restorativerelaxing qualities in the general physical preparation of athletes, are identified and recommended. Fitness and artfencing have a socializing effect on the behavioral attitudes of young people.
Keywords: аrtistic fencing, fitness, aerobics, common sportsmanship, sporting competition
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 90 — 96
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