DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-102-108
This article deals with considering of some questions of teaching discipline “Informatics” to students of liberal arts colleges. In modern conditions, it is important for students as future specialists to form their information culture. In this regard, information systems and technologies are intensively used in education. One of the instruments of forming of information culture of students is the discipline of “Informatics” which is taught to the students studying in the directions of preparation “Economics” and “Conflictology”. As the obligatory components of competences that must be formed in the course of studying the discipline “Informatics”, the skills of processing of text information, preparation of data in spreadsheets and developments of databases can be singled out. Therefore, one of the main competencies that are formed in the course of studying the discipline “Informatics”, in our opinion, is the ability to use modern technical means and information technologies (PK-8) for solving analytical and research problems. Analysis of the experience of teachers of the Department of Informatics and Mathematics of Saint-Petersburg University of Humanitarian and Social Sciences shows that the educational and methodological support of independent work on the discipline “computer science”, develops at a fairly high methodological level and is actively used in educational process. However, with the development of information technologies, including the constant updating of the programs of the MS Office package, it becomes necessary to update the workshop. Therefore, the author based on the already available materials developed an electronic course on the discipline “Informatics”, placed in the SPbGUP system of independent work support (www.edu.gup.ru). The main attention is paid to the description of the structure of the course and the generalization of the author’s experience in teaching the discipline “Informatics” with its use.
Keywords: informatics, cross-disciplinary communications, teaching discipline
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 102 — 108
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