DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-113-117
The article discusses social entrepreneurship as a new phenomenon in the field of studies of educational activities. Theoretical appeal to the capabilities of the network approach to the development of socio-entrepreneurial competence as an educational outcome is urgent. The author proves the point of view that the forms of educational support of young people during the process of entering social and entrepreneurial activities become forms that accompany formation of the community in the social network. These forms provide both preparation of a person for this type of activity and formation of social entrepreneurship as a special value that unites and determines forms of the community members’ life. The article considers possibilities of the project approach and anthropological content of the network model of education for establishing subjects of social entrepreneurship, and youth communities as subjects of development of social and entrepreneurial activity of the region. Discusses the possibility of the project approach and the anthropological content of the network model of education for the development of the subjects of social entrepreneurship, youth communities as subjects of development of socio-entrepreneurial activities in the region. The practical value of the research is in identification of the stages of development of socio-entrepreneurial competences of young people as well as in the study of social networks as a unique condition for formation and existence of a community network of young people, which solves the tasks aimed to implement local social and business communities. These stages underlay the program of educational support aimed to develop social and entrepreneurial competence of young people.
Keywords: education, network approach, social entrepreneurship, competence
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 113 — 117
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