DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-118-122
The article presents an analysis of theoretical-methodological bases of formation of such components of professional competence of a teacher as a legal competence. Gives the characteristic of the content of legal competence of a teacher, based on the requirements imposed by the state and society. Considers current methods of legal training and education on their effectiveness in the formation of legal competence of future teachers. In the course of the analysis of theoretical bases of formation of legal competence and implemented educational programs for pedagogical universities, the lack of consistency, continuity and consistency in the legal preparation of future teachers has been revealed. To solve these problems, it is necessary to find the best methods and means for forming legal competence of future teachers. Formation of legal competence is contingent upon compliance with system of created pedagogical conditions of realization of legal education throughout the period of study, in training and professional, scientific, socio-cultural activities and activities during practice. Together with the system of legal training it is necessary to develop the program of legal education, which will be implemented throughout the period of study at a pedagogical University. It is revealed that the legal education of future teachers should be systematic and consistent. The basic directions of improvement of modern legal training of future teachers are proposed.
Keywords: legal competence of a teacher, legal training of future teachers, legal education, legal upbringing
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 118 — 122
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