DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-128-131
The article considers the issues connected with the peculiarities of the process of formation of General competences of students of secondary vocational education. One aspect of this problem is related to the crucial stage of the process – diagnosis of the level of their formation. It is emphasized that the strengthening of this process will allow creating complex measuring instruments. It is proposed to consider as one of the effective means for diagnosing learning objectives, which is today one of the main components of educational activities and, according to A. P. Tryapitsyna, the main integrative element in the programme structure. In this regard, the content of the system for designing learning tasks involving a number of methodological grounds, including the system-activity and competence approaches, as well as a number of theories, including the Theory of cognitive development activities by J. Piaget, the Theory of gradual formation of mental actions by P. Y. Galperin, theories of levels of learning and of learning tasks are presented. Approved the use of learning tasks in the system, in connection with which the functions of the tasks of teaching systems are allocated. Algorithm for the design of learning tasks and their systems, which is a combination of three stages: search and analytic, goal-setting, proper design.
Keywords: diagnostics, methodological basis, general competencies, design, theoretical foundation, learning task
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 128 — 131
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