DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-176-181
The article is devoted to a conception of pedagogical techniques as the basic categories of specialists training for the needs of the tourism industry. Some peculiarities and specifics of the industry have been analyzed in detail, the necessity of exactly the module variations is substantiated. There have been presented some examples of modular technologies that can be perfectly adapted to such discipline as «Tourism economics». The theme in question is known to be poorly explored and requires further research. The article mainly focuses on the algorithm of actions applicable for the modular approach, and the idea is reinforced by an examination of the teacher’s role as a coach. Also a definition of this pedagogical concept has been proposed, and an adequate level of competency has been introduced. This thesis is confirmed by the peculiarities of the tourism market, which is regarded as a changeable and dynamic system. The main section of the paper presents some problem-theme blocks that can be successfully implemented into the «coach» system with the purpose to compose the «Change management strategy for the tourism business» module in the discipline «Tourism economics». In conclusion, as a brief summary of the reported study, the author introduces a concept «information literacy», which is introduced by means of such notions as follows: «a paradox of information redundancy management», «a paradox of education management», «a paradox of uncertainty and variability management».
Keywords: modular educational technologies, character, word, scheme, coach, information literacy, paradox of information redundancy management, paradox of education management, paradox of uncertainty and variability management
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 176 — 181
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