DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-141-146
In the article the issues of penitentiary staff training during the first years of the Soviet government are revealed. These issues are of concern for research as one of the underworked topics in native science. The author focuses on the events connected with it, on historical and pedagogical experience, trials and errors of pioneers of Soviet penitentiary staff training system. Chronological boundaries of the article are determined by the major events of Russian history, which were highly influential on the process of professional penitentiary staff training. The lowest boundary begins in October 1917 with inauguration of Bolshevik regime. The highest is connected with the Second Congress of penitentiary affairs officials of the RSFSR held from November to December 1924, after the agreements of which systematic solutions of the issues of Soviet penitentiary staff training became possible since the second half of 1920s. The first agreements of the government during the first years of Bolshevik regime concerning penitentiary personnel policy and shifting penitentiary priorities are revealed. The central place in the article is devoted to the revealing of external and domestic factors undermining the professional penitentiary staff training and having a negative impact on the possibilities of penitentiary personnel policy in that period. The conclusion about the role of the first educational endeavors’ of Soviet government in foundation of the Soviet system of penitentiary staff training is stated.
Keywords: history of education, personnel policy, penitentiary staff, professional training
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 141 — 146
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