DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-147-155
The article describes the model of financial competence for middle school students. It is based on the analysis of the results of PISA and structure of citizens’ everyday financial life. Financial competence is complex and includes such knowledge and skills as the ability to form family budget, estimate possibilities of income increase, prevent income decrease and costs increase, use calculations to estimate income and costs, read and understand financial documents, differentiate financial documents and promotional materials, understand own customer’s and taxpayer’s rights and duties. It also includes the ability to protect customer’s rights and critically analyse information. This competence can be formed and developed through a series of three educational interactive quest games for students aged 12–15. Each game is dedicated to one of the aspects: personal finance, banking services and investment tools. During the game students visit check-points corresponding to financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, businesses, trading markets, legal advisors, etc. At each check point participants study general information and complete real-life tasks in order to reach the objective of the game. These games were experimentally held in school and open education which proved their effectiveness. The article contains some examples of tasks from these games to illustrate their methodical basis.
Keywords: financial literacy, educational quest, middle school, financial competence
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 147 — 155
Downloads: 1068