DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-156-160
In the article the authors present psychological and pedagogical features of the separate education in single-gender classes. In particular the psychophysiological differences of schoolchildren are highlighted. Separate education is justified as the most optimal form of the educational process, which makes it possible to create more comfortable educational environment and to achieve the highest results of the schoolchildren’s education. The main psychophysiological, neuropsychological differences between boys and girls are identified, which must be taken into account when organizing the educational process in single-gender classes. Some researchers note that boys and girls develop differently: physiologically and psychologically girls develop two or three years earlier then boys, this is certainly connected with the hormonal development of children. Boys and girls study program material completely differently. Girls are characterized by perseverance and versatility in solving problems. As a rule, in primary school, boys usually learn worse. As for girls, their academic performance is much higher; they are often praised by teachers. Such laudatory comments can contribute to demotivation of boys in an effort to learn well. Therefore, because of these girls’ features, the success of boys look, to put it mildly, insignificant: boys have false feelings of inferiority and girls – superiority. Some results of the project “Separate education of girls and boys on the basis of a gender approach” are presented. The realization of the project takes place in Tomsk School No. 2.
Keywords: education, separate education of girls and boys, gender differentiation, psychological and physiological characteristics of schoolchildren
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 156 — 160
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