DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-167-172
Presents the theoretical aspects and the practice of implementing the strategy of advanced development of education; describes the mechanisms of innovative organizational and methodological practices that are implemented in the educational institutions on the territory of a separate municipal entity. Special attention is paid to the consistency of the developed strategy with the priority directions of development of the territory, taking into account the complex non-linear forms of organization of non-equilibrium structural elements of different legal forms and different levels of jurisdiction, which allows to predict and develop a new image of the educational system at the municipal level. Describes combination of developing innovative mechanisms to ensure efficient implementation of measures included in the strategy of priority development of the municipal education system, namely: administrative, economic and organizational-methodical conditions for the development of education (system investment policy), with particular focus on matrix management system, organizational-methodical and information-technological support of implementation of the strategy (based on the network principle of organization of municipal innovative practices); municipal system of education quality assessment (with a focus on rapid responsiveness to external needs of the educational space and the requests of society and of the labour market), consulting center for training of graduates for final certification, and also automated information system “Network city. Education.”
Keywords: strategy of priority development, management education, quality evaluation system, automated information system
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 167 — 172
Downloads: 904