DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-178-182
The article deals with the questions of verbal and nonverbal structure of electronic hypertext fiction. The author pays special attention to the history of electronic hypertext fiction and the factors of its occurring. The article also provides the analysis of two electronic hypertext poems, which represent totally different stages in electronic hypertext fiction timeline. The novelty of the research is seen in the attempt to analyze and identify electronic fiction hypertexts, which were worked out and published on the basis of two different platforms (software for hypertext fiction Storyspace Eastgate System and Scalar platform). The research urgency is caused by the complex analysis of different types of electronic hypertext fiction. The analysis is based on review of hypertext lexical and stylistic peculiarities and the main aspects of figurativeness in electronic environment. The article gives an overview of electronic hypertext fiction represented by the works “Penetration” by R. Kendall and “Redshift and Portalmetal” by M. Cardenas. “Penetration” by R. Kendall depicts the inner world of two main characters, a father and a daughter. “Penetration” is based on the Connection Systems, which brings advanced hypertext features to Web stories and poems. “Penetration” contains links and text elements that are displayed conditionally or randomly. “Redshift and Portalmetal” by M. Cardenas depicts the story of Roja, whose planet’s environment is dying that is why she had to travel to other worlds. The project has the form of electronic interactive hypertext fiction including film performance and poetry. The author uses the Scalar platform to create a compelling science fiction narrative about the coming end of the world. Electronic hypertext fiction is one of the most productive and effective forms of electronic fiction because of its open structure.
Keywords: hypertext poetry, hypertext, verbal, nonverbal, aleatoric, interface
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 178 — 182
Downloads: 889