DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-15-23
The paper deals with the history of Palestine over the period of the British mandate from 1922 till 1948, analysis of the relationship between Palestinian Arabs and Zionists, description of the socio-political and economic situation in the country, revelation of the role of the mandate-holder (Britain), contributed to a great extent to the partition of Palestine and the formation of Israel as a separate state. The object of research is Palestine during the creation of the post-colonial system of international relations after the First World War; the subject is the political and economic situation in Palestine in the period of the British mandate. The theoretical significance of the research is that it reveals the origins of the continuing Arab-Jewish conflict which has a destabilizing effect on the situation in the region and touches the geopolitical interests of leading political players. The analysis of the political and economic situation allows to identify the following causes contributing to the still ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict: (1) the dual character of the policies of the mandate-holder who is not interested in the creation of an independent Arab state in Palestine; (2) the growing economic dependence and impoverishment of Palestinian Arabs against the background of unlimited buying up the agricultural lands by the Zionist funds; (3) political disorganization and disunity of the Arab population, the absence of formed political forces able to defend the interests of the Arab people of Palestine; (4) the increasing influence of Zionists and of their organizations in Palestine; (5) a growing number of Jewish immigrants and the intensive erection of Jewish settlements in the territories belonging to the Palestinian Arabs.
Keywords: British mandate, Palestine, Israel, Zionism, Arab-Israeli conflict
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 15 — 23
Downloads: 1406