DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-46-51
The study of the peculiarities of the traditional culture of the Old Believers is especially important in today’s era of globalization. The musical art of the Old Believers, in particular, their theoretical ideas, is currently not fully researched, and at the same time, they are an important cultural-forming factor of their time and a historical monument. Analysis of the printed musical-theoretical manuals of the beginning of the last century, belonging to different types of musical-theoretical manuals, allows us to see the clear direction of their authors to raise the level of art of chanting by means of a clearly arranged systematic training of Old Believer musical-pedagogical personnel. The emergence of new teaching aids and the development of teaching methods, along with the creation of educational institutions, have significantly increased the level of musical knowledge in the Old Believer environment. Thus, the Old Believers in the beginning of the 20th century made the first steps in the preparation of musical and pedagogical personnel. Unfortunately, this important undertaking did not receive its continuation because of the outbreak of world war, and later of the revolutionary events. The mass publication of musical-theoretical guides and coverage of musical education in periodical literature became a characteristic feature of the cultural life of the Old Believer society at the beginning of the 20th century. The article is based on the results of the author’s dissertation research for the degree of candidate of art history (2005).
Keywords: musical education of the Old Believers, pedagogy and enlightenment, printed musical-theoretical manuals, types of musical-theoretical manuals
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 46 — 51
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