DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-52-58
The article presents the analysis of peculiarities of creation of family and family life of the Russian law intellectual elite of the period of modernization in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries. The importance of this aspect is due to the significance of the family, especially wife, in creating the conditions for successful scientific and journalistic activities. Some aspects of the problem are reflected in the works of N. L. Pushkareva, L. P. Repina, T. A. Saburova. This issue is at the intersection of problematic fields of history of intellectual culture, and the history of everyday life. A full study of the results of intellectual activity is possible only taking into account the understanding of the working conditions of their creators, their surrounding environment and relationships with family. To understand these features we have applied the methods of biographical and generational analysis, and gender analysis from the standpoint of the historical andrology. Conclusions based on the study with the denoted positions of the diaries and memoirs of the lawyers. Professionally successful lawyers suffered the most comfortable transition to a small family, perceived equitable conjugal role and the active role of the father in the upbringing of children. Marriage was seen as a deliberate step, voluntary, based on love union. The financial position of the bride had a secondary role, importance is given to personal qualities and level of intelligence. They emphasized the undoubted value to family life. Extramarital relations (if mentioned) were described very veiled. Representations of law intellectual elite about family and marriage, as well as practical implementation has coincided with the trends in this direction among the Russian educated society in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries.
Keywords: memoirs, diaries, married life, law intellectual elite
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 52 — 58
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