DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-103-109
The manifestation of the links between philosophy and linguistics in ancient China through the nominative aspect is considered - the first stage of the work of thinking on the formation of linguistic knowledge. The results of critical analysis of scientific literature, their coverage from the point of view of the stated problem, the results of introspective analysis, elements of the lexicographic analysis of dictionaries are presented. The dynamics of the interaction of epistemological, axiological and pragmatic components of nomination processes as linguistic realizations of the resulting directions of philosophical reflections of Ancient China is revealed. In this article we understand culture in accordance with the definition of V. Z. Demyankov as a set of nationally conditioned standards and patterns of behavior. In this case, a clear boundary is drawn between culture and civilization. Civilization in this article is characterized as a matrix of supranational standards and patterns of human behavior. According to the opinion of the prominent orientalist V. M. Alpatov, due to the factual nature of the lexical-semantic system, the names of objects, phenomena, processes, relations, etc. are the supporting framework of the system of relations of each national culture and reflect its related, imperious, structural and economic, etc. traditions. In this case, the direction and strength of the epistemological, axiological and pragmatic vectors of the nomination process determines the worldview factor, i.е. the sum of philosophical views on the world order. The pragmatic factor serves to fulfill the functions of criticality and veracity of the resulting artifact of linguistic knowledge - the name.
Keywords: nomination, linguistic knowledge, worldview, pragmatics, hieroglyph, daojiao, fanze
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 103 — 109
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