DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-183-189
The article is devoted to consideration of the views of the representatives of pedagogical psychology in Russia in the late XIX – early XX centuries on the question of the nature and development of aesthetic feelings in children. The paper examines the research of scientists seeking to reform the contemporary school setting in the center of the school of the student, his or her requests and needs, a comprehensive experimental study of children’s nature, goals, education on the basis of scientific data. The paper describes the findings of the pilot observations of psychologists over the laws of development of aesthetic sense in children, experiments on colour aesthetics and music perception, thoughts about the necessity of giving the child freedom to develop aesthetic sense, the importance of the aesthetic feelings for moral education of children. The study addresses the approaches of psychologists to the problem of the influence of art, and in particular, music, on the body of the child, its impact on mood and emotional state, recognition of music as the most important means of aesthetic education, a necessary element of education in school. The article is based on the study of the history of educational psychology, attitudes and approaches of educators of the past to the question of the nature and development of aesthetic feelings, shows the value of the thoughts of scientists of the period of formation of pedagogical culture of the modern teacher, the motivation of teachers to a more careful monitoring of children, the study of children’s individuality, desire for disclosure of creative abilities in each child.
Keywords: educational psychology, aesthetic sense, aesthetic education, aesthetic development of the senses, harmonious development of the individuality of the child, art, music, singing
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 183 — 189
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