To the Question of Interaction between Altai Pripisnoi (Bonded) Peasantry Class and Mining Administration during the Pre-reform Period
The article presents another scientific reference to an actual problem of interaction of Altai pripisnoi (bonded) peasantry class and the mining industry administration during the pre-reform period of the XIXth century. The certain interpretation of the new primary sources allowed the author to declare the following understanding of the development of mutual relations between authorities and people at Altai pripisnoi (bonded) village during the pre-reform period. Duties of peasants in the mining industry such as labor-rent of norms at the factories and mines and delivery of provision and fodder to the factories, firstly can be qualified as feudal duties, but in due course, to the middle of the XIXth century, turned into a subject of a constructive partner interaction between two sides.
Issue: 3, 2007
Series of issue: Humanities (History. Archeology. Ethnology)
Pages: 17 — 22
Downloads: 987