DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-15-21
The article discusses the question of modeling of an individual educational route (hereinafter IER) for a child with disabilities (HIA) as a tool for accompanying children of this category in the educational process. The terms ”modeling”, “inclusive competence of the teacher” are clarified with the purpose of more accurate description of the author’s material in this direction. The stages of modeling IER as a means of the child’s most effective comprehension of the educational program and the system organization of inclusive space in the educational organization are described. Modeling of IER as an open joint reflexive action (according to E. D. Fayzullaeva) is the coordination of the interests and tasks of all participants in accompanying the child with HIA and the construction of a system of joint actions included in correctional, developmental, rehabilitation and other activities for the child. 7 stages of modeling IER are described: 1) installation-reflexive; 2) organizational; 3) meaningful; 4) reflexive; 5) transforming; 6) expertanalytical; 7) reflexive-projecting. Each stage reveals the specifics of the work of adults with the child, detailing the contribution of each participant in the joint activity. At each stage there is solving of various tasks for all participants in joint activities: work with the IER concept; realization of a systematic approach that implies a holistic vision of the child included in the common space of life (in which there is an inclusive educational space of the institution, microsocieties - the group and the family, as well as the external space - additional educational institutions, medical and specialized institutions, etc. along with public places of common use); actualization of the partnership positions; implementation of pedagogical actions aimed at correcting and developing the child, increasing his or her social adaptability. These stages are the joint activities of adults involved in the life of the child (parents and teachers) and reflect the realization of their inclusive competence. Presented are the results of research activities (focus groups and approbations) on the procedure for creating IER by all subjects of the educational process, including corrective, developmental, rehabilitation and other measures for the child with disabilities. Positive effects of this work were noted, which manifested themselves in the form of the phenomena of decentration; actualization of communicative, research, managerial, and reflective competencies among participants in joint activities on the compilation of IER; conscious interaction of all specialists with a deeper understanding and a responsible attitude in working with children with disabilities.
Keywords: individual educational route, inclusive approach, modeling and IER, open joint reflexive action, child with disability, support for children with disabilities
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 15 — 21
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