DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-29-33
The increase in the number of disabled children requires from specialists new methods, technologies and means of correction at the current stage of development of education. The article discusses the possibilities of the genre of the musical training of future teachers for working in conditions of inclusion. The search for alternative forms of training of future specialists determines the relevance of the article. The presented method of the interactive musical was considered from different positions within the framework of the realization of the formation of the inclusive competences of the students of the pedagogical faculty. The experience of staging a musical on the basis of higher educational institutions as a form of practice-oriented training of future professionals working with children with disabilities (HIA), and implementation of interactive musical institutions as a gradual and complementary work demonstrates positive results. The first stage is devoted to the formation of a new pedagogical consciousness, underlying the adoption of different children and their development, a tolerant acceptance of children with various pathologies. The second stage is directly devoted to the study of new techniques that allow to create independently for a child the conditions for inclusion in the educational process, taking into account his characteristics and needs. The authors also propose to use it in working with children with disabilities. These areas are recommended as nontraditional forms of work with students of higher educational institutions.
Keywords: children with disabilities, interactive musical, inclusive education, inclusive-oriented training, competence, musical, non-traditional, vocational training, correctional work
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 29 — 33
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