DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-73-76
In the context of the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, attention is being paid to the Cadet system of education, which has a special potential in the development of patriotism among children, respect for the history and culture of the native country, spirituality and morality, honor and dignity, duty and readiness for service to the Fatherland. The article focuses on the development of social experience in students, which is regarded as one of the goals and results of the educational process. The specificity of the Cadet schools is conditioned by the fact that the rules of life and the daily routine of the pupils are based on the All- Military Charters, are strictly regulated and are constantly monitored by the teachers and the administration of the institution. At the same time, the need to create conditions for the development of pupils as free personalities capable of self-development, to make decisions, to realize their own abilities, plans and projects is emphasized. The developed model of the education of students in the cadet school is oriented towards the formation of such social experience among the cadets. The model will ensure the formation of cadets’ experience of self-determination in choice situations, development of leadership qualities, an active creative position, readiness for self-realization in social practice. Examples of the educational activities of the Cadet School, the structural subdivision of the State Security Service of the School No. 1770 («Moscow Cadet Music Corps (Girls)» and «Moscow Cadet Music Corps (boys)»), indicate ways for the Cadets to prepare for self-actualization in creative activity; components of the educational process in the cadet school, the traditions of the general educational institution with musical cadet classes, the important role of the family in the organization of the educational process in the cadet school.
Keywords: cadet school, education, modeling, self-realization space, school and family interaction
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 73 — 76
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