DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-77-83
The article reveals the ways of implementing the subject approach to the design of the personal development program in the general education organization. The relevance of the problem is justified by the requirements of federal state educational standards for general education, the educational component of which presupposes the design of its own personal development program, taking into account the characteristics of the socio-cultural environment, the needs of the subjects of education. The article shows how to involve children in the process of creating and developing a personal development program, to form a space for self-realization of children on the basis of social design techniques. It is shown that the principle of subjectivity presupposes the organization of educational content, which would be inherently the space of children’s self-determination, would provide children with the opportunity to choose topics for projects, content and activities, roles and social positions in collective activities, forms, methods, time frame, cooperation partners , etc. The article contains approaches to developing a variable personal development program as a system of children’s projects - collective, group, individual. The content of personal development is reflected in the program in the form of thematic cycles of the project activity, which are a set of various types, subjects, duration and composition of project participants with gaming instrumentation, suggest the integration of various types of children’s activities in accordance with the main directions and values of the personal development of students in primary school. The approximate content of project initiatives of children is exemplified on the example of primary general education. Approaches to the evaluation of the results of program implementation based on the subject approach are outlined.
Keywords: personal development, personal development program, personal development content, subject approach, social designing, project technologies
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 77 — 83
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