DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-109-115
The given article reviews the problem of training specialists for high-tech branches of industry including the branches of mining industry. One of the ways to make perfect preparing of specialists is to introduce the dual educa tional system. The authors present the specialists training technology in the environment of dual education, which involves equal participation of educational and industrial systems. The aim of the technology is to create the organizational pedagogical environments that provide the increase of effectiveness of training specialists for high-tech branches of industry. When describing the technology, the authors reveal the content of its stages (preparatory, organizational- executive, reflexive-generalizing). This technology combines pedagogical goals and integrated capabilities of the university and the industrial basic enterprise with the implementation of the targets at each stage of the specialists’ training. The presented technology has been introduced into the educational process of the branch of “Kuzbass State Technical University” in the city of Prokopyevsk (Kemerovo Region, Russia). Training of specialists in this university is carried out jointly with the mining enterprise “SUEK - Kuzbass” (Russia). The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the technology developed can be used in training specialists of other industries in dual education environment.
Keywords: technology of specialists’ training, professional education, professional growth development, industrial enterprise, higher educational establishment, integration
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 109 — 115
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