DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-123-128
The article describes the concept of motivation and motives, explores a naturalistic approach to man, characteristic of the Western tradition studying the motives as «a multifaceted concept that includes: needs, attitudes, interest, habits, motives, desires, inclinations, urges, examines the impact of motivation on learning, the dynamics of motives of choice of profession, the influence of type of school on the motivation of educational activity of students at state and private institutions. It is noted that among the students of a private university clearly prevails the pursuit of knowledge and orientation to a professional career and at the same time a disregard for the degree. We are slightly puzzled by the coincidence of positions of students of both universities in relation to the career of the entrepreneur and the manager. The survey showed that the availability of money with a lack of abilities plays a prominent but not central role in the selection of paid education. The motives of educational activity of students are closely linked with the motives of choice of institution (profession), and with the conditions of professional activities. They are largely determined by the degree of satisfaction with the quality of teaching and training. The study motives of the student youth of non-state and state colleges of higher education suggests that at present the fundamental differences in this area do not exist, largely due to the immaturity of the private sector of higher education. However, research has shown the relationship between the payment for learning and a higher motivation for learning of students of a private college. The students found great interest in his professional career, confidence in their future, there is no doubt that they are faster to adapt to new economic and social realities.
Keywords: motives, motivation of educational activity, state sector of higher education, private sector of higher education
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 123 — 128
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