DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-140-147
The relevance of the study is determined by the clear interest of the pedagogues in implementing the main requirements to training the students of higher education institutions. The need for studying the problem of developing cross-cultural competence in the context of higher education is covered. The theoretical aspects of developing cross-cultural competence in view of currently important values and aims of training in higher education system are discussed. The main methodological approaches to developing cross-cultural communication within the framework of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching – system based, activity and competence based, cross-cultural approaches are revealed. Based on the presented approaches the essence and the key concept of “cross-cultural competence” of the students are clarified. The structural components of cross-cultural competence are determined and described in detail. The structure of the cross-cultural competence is comprised of motivational, cognitive, personal and activity, axiological, reflective components. The concept of cross-cultural competence has made it possible to point out and reveal the basic principles of organizing and implementing the process of developing the cross-cultural competence in the framework of professional oriented foreign language teaching such as the principles of humanistic teaching, dialogic communication, learning professionally oriented thesaurus, openness to foreign cultures and ideas, integration into a different culture, critical appraisal of situation in cross-cultural communication. Special attention is paid to the importance of the pedagogical potential of the e-Learning environment in the teaching and learning process, it has been explained that the e-Learning environment has a positive impact on the developing the structural components of cross-cultural competence in training the students in higher education institutions.
Keywords: cross-cultural competence, foreign language teaching, learning and teaching process, e-Learning environment
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 140 — 147
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