DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-164-171
Training of competent specialists in HEIs who have abilities for self-fulfillment and self-actualization in their professional activities and who are balancing both personal and professional significant qualities is a strategic goal of the contemporary higher education. Today the problem of design and elaboration of the adaptive educational system is conditioned by the need to optimize and adjust the principles of traditional didactics to the challenges of contemporary information society: perfection of the content and the methods of education taking into account the universal application of information technologies; design of electronic educational environment providing the approach to the learning materials and the freedom of choice of methods, forms and assessment of the results. The article considers the issues connected with pedagogical design of the adaptive system for mathematical training of students of higher educational institutions. It gives a definition of a methodological approach, proves conceptual levels of methodological analysis: philosophical, general scientific, specific scientific, technological which form a complicated subordinate system. As a methodological framework of the research the authors consider in depth the ideas of system, synergetic, environmental, person-centered, competency building, activity, context, process, axiological, and cultural approaches. They elicited and described main functional and conceptual approaches which made a methodological foundation for the design and development of the adaptive system for mathematical training of HEI students.
Keywords: mathematical training of students, adaptive system, methodological approaches, pedagogical design, educational process, higher education
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 164 — 171
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