DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-172-175
Discusses the actual problem of preparation of teachers of economic disciplines for different levels of education in the transition to an innovation economy. One of the problems requiring an early solution, is the low financial literacy of the population, and, as a consequence, low economic activity of wide layers of the population in investment, lack of development of small and medium-sized businesses. On the basis of international experience formulated the main directions of development of the educational process: internationalization and greater availability of education, vocational training, advanced training. As the basis of new educational technologies is considered an intensive use and further development of information and communication resources that allows you to integrate into the world educational system. The basis for the implementation of new educational technologies is the creation of information-communication space. Currently, each higher education institution has its own Internet portal, which provides access to information resources. Electronic libraries, distance education, information about educational programs, all this is generally available to students and teachers. For further development of this process with the necessary technical and human resources, professional development of teachers. This decision can be used to involve students, undergraduates and graduate students to participate in the educational process. Creation of electronic textbooks, test development, participating in the creation of educational-methodical complexes on different disciplines broaden horizons and practical skills in the preparation of future classroom teachers required at the present level.
Keywords: economic education, distance learning, information technology
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 172 — 175
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