DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-182-186
The article attempts to identify some problems affecting the results of the state attestation. Central to them, by right, is the final composition, since it, on the one hand, is aimed at testing general speech competencies, on the other hand, on the specific knowledge and skills of the graduate. The theme of the task is considered to be the reason for additional emotional experiences of the students. For the first time, according to the personal approach, handwriting is regarded as one of the conditions for the successful graduation of the graduates. The paper discusses the difficulties of transition from one type of state attestation to another and formulates some methodological aspects that contribute to their resolution. Particular attention is paid to the general emotional background, constantly created around the complexity of the final structural part of the control and measuring materials. The conducted experiment allows us to analyze the causes of errors made by students in the assignment fulfillment, to highlight their psychological and pedagogical aspects. Not only negative results are considered, but positive dynamics in training are also traced. The influence of the period of preparation for the Unified State Exam on the progress and success of students is traced. In conclusion we are talking about the need for different approaches to prepare students for the state attestation.
Keywords: final examination, composition, emotions, handwriting, academic performance
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 182 — 186
Downloads: 1160