DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-187-192
The problem of ethnopedagogization of the educational process is considered by the author in relation to preschool children attending classes in the institution of additional education for children. The author relies on the conceptual provisions of G.N. Volkov’s work on the ethnopedagogy of holistic teaching and educational process, the ethnopedagogical approach and the means of upbringing. The problem of interaction with the family in the system of additional education for children is being updated. Achievement of the stated goals of ensuring continuity in the education of preschool children in the family and the establishment of additional education for children is called upon to contribute to the ethno-pedagogical approach realized in the course of the study. Ethnopedagogy of the whole educational process is considered as strengthening of its ethno-pedagogical component. An ethnopedagogical model of the upbringing of children in the interaction of the institution of additional education for children with the family is developed, and some results of experimental work on its implementation are presented on the example of the Republic of Kalmykia. Approbation of the developed ethnopedagogical model of the upbringing of children in the interaction between the establishment of additional education for children and the family was carried out on the basis of the Elista Palace of Children’s Creativity of the Republic of Kalmykia. Shows the role of games and events in the system of ethnocultural education, the forms of involving parents in joint activities with teachers and children on preparing and holding a collective activity. The conducted surveys of parents of children attending the Early Development and Preschool Education Center of the Elista Palace of Children’s Creativity reveal the parents’ vision of the national identity of upbringing and the results of family interaction and the establishment of additional education in the implementation of the ethno-pedagogical model. The tested model ensures the realization of ethno-cultural values in the process of educating preschoolers.
Keywords: pedagogy, model, ethnic and cultural traditions, education, socialization, further education, continuity
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 187 — 192
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