DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-198-202
The article deals with the analysis of the evangelical activity of the Russian conservatives (pomorets) living in the Ust-Tsilemsky volost of the Mezen County of the Arkhangelsk province in the first half of the 19th century. Earlier unknown archival documents which are stored in the State archive of the Arkhangelsk region, discovering the facts about evangelical activity of conservatives are considered. During the considered historical period the Velikopozhensky monastery where mentors, copyists of books, draftsmen of wall sheets worked was the main Old Believers’ center of the nizhnepechorsky region. Activity of its monks as preachers a drevlepravoslaviya in the rural areas located on the Pechora River is considered. Preachers were not only mentors, nachchechikami, but also ordinary peasants who actively traveled along the Pechora in the guise of artisans and through their preaching and way of life helped to transform officially Orthodox people into Old Belief. The main attention in work is paid to the false decree, presented as «sovereign», distributed by the Ust-Tsilma peasants in support of conservatives a as well as with the aim of involving the population in the Old Believers. Peasants read the false decree in their families, rewrote and distributed it through the inhabitants of the villages. Despite the pursued ban policy of the Old Belief, the number of the people passing into it steadily grew.
Keywords: Russians, Old-Pomorian, split, Ust-Tsilma, false decree, missionary work
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 198 — 202
Downloads: 1006