DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-203-210
Based on archival materials the process of preparation and celebration in the Far East of the USSR in the 1930s of one of the main Soviet holidays - the Great October Socialist Revolution is considered. The Soviet authorities actively used the traditions of holidays and festive rites as one of the important aspects of political, ideological and psychological treatment of the population. In the 1930s. this holiday in its political and ideological aspect was aimed not so much to revive the events of the recent past, as to draw public attention to the pressing state tasks and to stimulate labor and patriotic impulses of the masses in both central regions of the country and in the provinces. The Far East did not stay away from the all-Union festive tradition. The local party and economic authorities through the creation of festive commissions conducted a broad political and ideological (talks, newspaper readings, meetings with participants in revolutionary events, the publications of the festive issues of newspapers, festive broadcasts on radio, etc.), mass organizational and preparatory (cleaning and decoration of streets, squares, buildings of settlements, decoration of columns of demonstrations, replenishment of stores with goods and products, timely payment of salaries, bonuses of the best workers) work on the eve of and during the holiday. Reporting documentation of the Soviet economic authorities clearly demonstrates the successes and omissions in the celebration of the Great October Revolution in the region in the 1930s.
Keywords: Far East of the USSR, holiday of the Great October Revolution, political and ideological, mass explanatory work, demonstration, agitation
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 203 — 210
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