DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-211-217
The article considers the method of tectological system analysis which was developed by Alexander Bogdanov (1873–1928) for research of complex social, economic and political processes on the basis of natural sciences regularities. The author compares Bogdanov’s method with other later created forms of system analysis and estimates their comparative effectiveness in the sphere of historical events and forecasting of social crises. States the fact of some tectological key regularities adoption in the process of L. von Bertalanfi’s general system theory and N. Weiner’s cybernetics development. Shows the methodological limitation of the general system theory, cybernetics and I. Prigozhin’s synergetrics which can’t be applied for researching transformational processes in social, economic, political, cultural and ideological spheres of society’s life. Proposes an essentially new concept of historical process as an organized sequence of the facts unified by functionally chained causal relationships, the very existence of them which excludes multiplied interpretation of the events recorded in historical sources. The author proves that such perception of social reality (essential characteristic of which is a historical process) caused the hyper-crytical attitude to Bogdanov’s method of tectological system analysis om the part of scientists of the 20th and 21th centuries, though the heuristic potential of Bogdanov’s theory for historical events research remains high.
Keywords: history of science, tectology, system analysis, forecasting, historical process
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 211 — 217
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