G.N. Potanin. About the Necessity of Reforming the Russian People’s Education at the End of the XIXth – Beginning of the XXth Centuries
Potanin’s opinion concerning the necessity of reforming people’s education in Russia at the end of the XIXth – beginning of the XXth centuries is of great interest and actuality. The problems of education are on the first place in the past and present time. G.N. Potanin considered that the main idea of reforming Russian schools in the end of the XIXth-beginning of the XXth centuries should be patriotic education of Russian students. As a solution Potanin proposed to introduce the subject “rodinovedenie” (leaning about the country – Russia) in the school schedule. The main result of this reform should be the political stability in Russia. The October revolution and the Civil War in Russia in the beginning of the 20th century showed the truthfulness of G.N. Potanin’s views in this question.
Issue: 3, 2007
Series of issue: Humanities (History. Archeology. Ethnology)
Pages: 91 — 94
Downloads: 1064