DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-19-26
Study of traditional consciousness and peculiarities of popular culture bearers’ worldview on the material of textual dialect speech corpora is an urgent task of linguistic culturology and cognitive linguistics. Representative textual collections of everyday dialect speech only recently became a source of reconstruction of traditional worldview. The purpose of this work is a study of religious knowledge and ideas role and content in the worldview of dialect speakers. The analysis of religious subjects discourse fragments, picked out of a general speech flow, has shown that the religious component is a significant part of a general world picture and of popular culture bearers’ linguistic consciousness. Reflections on God, Christian saints, orthodox holidays and memorable dates of Church calendar, church services and rituals, religious writings, religious figures, trends and heterodox people, plots of Christian mythology occupy an important place in dialect speakers’ narratives. The notions of religious sphere often become the objects of dialect speakers’ reflection in their conversations with dialectologists. The religious subjects discourse fragments often contain such means expressing reflection as explanatory constructions, repetitions, periphrasis, generalizing (often evaluative) remarks, addresses to interlocutors with the purpose of checking up the degree of speech understanding, rhetoric questions. The communicative peculiarities of religious thematic fragments – increased metalinguistic reflection against a background of a feeble, in general, speech awareness of popular speech culture bearers – show that the elements of religious worldview are an important constituent part of dialect speakers’ cultural identity, occupying a central place in the popular tradition bearers’ value system.
Keywords: traditional popular culture, dialect, world picture, language consciousness, metalinguistic reflection
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 19 — 26
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