DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-9-13
The article deals with the peculiarities of teaching foreign languages at technical faculties. It demonstrates the results of studying the issue of communicative asymmetry. The theoretical aspects focus on productive communicative skills. This approach takes into account a variety of exercises associated with creative interpretation and responses of students. Authentic texts take priority. Alternative methods promote to model situations on real communication. It defines comfortable interaction of students: pair work, group work, class work. Group participation is a contemporary and adequate form of collaboration. This kind of activities enables the students to interact with other members and also develops a sense of mutual responsibility and team spirit. Linguistic and functional schemes can be used in order to achieve productive speaking. Selected conversation patterns are very significant in organizing and running discussions: expressing conviction, interrupting, agreeing or disagreeing. The structure includes topic sentences, supporting reasons, concluding re-statements. The article presents the examples of tasks produced according to cognitive interests, individual characteristics of participants. Motivation ranks high. The main purpose of teachers is to inspire. It provides abilities to discuss problems, points of view and advance arguments. This model is proved as the most effective way to improve the current level of speaking skills. It results in creative statements of students and enhances the capability to co-operate and communicate. It brings together perspectives from linguistics, discourse analysis research.
Keywords: foreign language communication, communicative skills, functional schemes, interpretation, creative statements
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 13
Downloads: 874