DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-24-27
The article discusses some features of teaching business English with a Russian-study component in a nonlinguistic institution. Studying and teaching business English is relevant for modern learning. The urgency for students of non-linguistic institution to develop the ability to carry out foreign-language business communication, which is set by the Federal State Educational Standard of higher education in the field of teaching foreign languages, is noted. There is also a need to implement the Russian-study component in the English language. The content of the Russian-Study component in the process of teaching a foreign language is determined. The content, structure, purpose and methodical basis of the developed tutorial “Russian-study in the class on business English”, which is a means of implementation the Russian-study component into the process of teaching foreign language, is described. A special feature of the tutorial is the inclusion of English-language material on Russian business (large and medium-sized business in Russia), as there are no other special methodical tutorials on this topic in the English language today. The content of teaching Russian-study in business English classes is carried out in the process of communicative and project activity based on the use of modern information and interactive poster technology (e.g. educational service Glogster.com).
Keywords: teaching business English, business communication in foreign language, the Russian-study component, a tutorial as a means of implementation of the Russian-study component
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 24 — 27
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