DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-28-32
The article deals with the process of teaching reading of English-language legal texts in educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which consists in targeting the professional needs of future employees of law enforcement agencies. Applying of the author to this topic is due to the fact that the process of teaching foreign language is associated with the formation of the ability to generate and interpret information in a foreign language in the process of professional activity, the need to read special literature and documents, to communicate with foreign colleagues on professional topics. The author pays close attention to the issues of taking into account the peculiarities of the legal text. The author defines the basic methods of removing difficulties when dealing with English-language legal literature, for example, by creating a bank of textual material and brief comments on individual terms and concepts. The text should serve to further develop skills of professionally-oriented reading in the specialty, as well as filling the vocabulary. The Anglo-Saxon system of law is a unique system that is based on completely different principles than the common law system. Acquaintance with its specifics within the framework of legal courses in the native language is practically absent and does not provide some acceptable extralinguistic basis for effective reading of English-language legal literature. Thus, in the process of reading, cadets should have a clear understanding of what exactly is being discussed, what place the problems discussed are in the system of law, law enforcement activities of foreign countries, etc., that is, it is oriented generally in the problems addressed in specific text that he reads.
Keywords: legal literature, language specifics, language training, future profession, professional needs, legal text, educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 28 — 32
Downloads: 978