DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-33-38
Translators’ training in higher school is based on the competence approach. Sociolinguistic competence acquisition is of big importance among translators’ professional and personal requirements and skills in cross-cultural communication. Competence is considered to comprise a set of components and is regarded to be a personal skill in self-realization, self-regulation and self-esteem in the professional field. Thus, translators’ sociolinguistic competence is regarded to comprise five components: axiological, culture-linguistic, linguistic, situational-behavioral, assessment and motivational. The axiological component deals with tolerance to international cultures, traditions and value systems. The culture-linguistic component comprises sociocultural background of nations and cross-cultural communication skills. The linguistic component stands for speech clichés, dialects and fixed expressions vocabulary development. The situational-behavioral component deals with gesture, facial expression and speech peculiarities of interlocutors depending on their social status and communicative situation. The assessment and motivational component consists of self-regulation and self-esteem skills. The questionnaire poll of students showed the ways of sociolinguistic competence development and led to creating a technology of monitored independent students’ work in the translators’ sociolinguistic competence acquisition. The technology is regarded as an educational process containing principles and teaching methods which are necessary to achieve the highest results. The article highlights the three technologies of monitored independent students’ work such as multimedia book club, extracurricular activity, and discussion clubs. Each technology comprises three components: information resource (authentic and teaching authentic material), interactive (work algorithm) and diagnostic (principles of control). The thorough analysis of the students’ work results proved the fact that the regarded technology appeared to be fruitful in sociolinguistic competence acquisition and, moreover, in the development of all its components, which was also sustained by the feedback of the project participants.
Keywords: sociolinguistic competence, technology, independent work, extracurricular activity, multimedia, cross-cultural communication, authentic material, authentic learning
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 33 — 38
Downloads: 927